Reviewing the usual response rate of 15%, he acknowledges that most responders start out with a much more limited tumor burden than did I. Then he smiles broadly as he concedes the significant role of prayer. The nurse who witnessed my earlier rapid deterioration fights back the tears as she observes the dramatic improvement in both my physical status and the evidence of tumor regression. This is GOOD NEWS!
I said publicly at the beginning of this journey that God must be up to something. This story of one man’s remarkable recovery from a life-threatening and devastating disease is not just so I can live a few more years (although I am so grateful for each day He grants me). None of us will likely escape physical death.
Is it possible that perhaps He is giving us a glimpse at His strategic plan to redeem all of His creation? The truly good news is that indeed God is in the business of restoring that which was lost as a result of man’s rebellion. This is the heart of the gospel (Latin for good news) – i.e., that Christ came not simply to provide us an escape from judgment and a ticket to heaven some day, but also to ultimately restore that which God originally intended when He made you, me and the earth we inhabit.
Jesus said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Rev 21:5) And Paul writes that along with our redemption “the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” (Rom 8:21). While it is clear that complete restoration of fallen creation awaits future events, I believe He intends for that restoration to begin here and now as you and I participate by faith in His mission.
My recent experience is a parable of God’s loving intent to re-establish His dominion over both the spiritual and physical dimensions in our lives. Your prayers of faith on my behalf have been effective in this regard and I am most grateful. My prayer for you is that you too will know the full measure of His power to “make all things new.”
Learning to live fully in the light of His good news,
* MRI of the brain showed no evidence of tumor. The multiple tumors of the lung, liver and spleen have either disappeared or regressed significantly and findings in the skeleton are consistent with an active healing process with the formation of new bone. Lab studies were essentially normal. We now await repeat studies in six weeks and if any cancer persists, anticipate another round of Interleukin-2 therapy in mid June.